About Our Work


In our scientific and consulting projects we work and communicate closely with our network. Here you will find an overview of press reports and articles that report on our work.


Press articles

About the content

"Using brainpower correctly"
(“Brainpower richtig einsetzen”)
Marketing intern interviewed psychologist and neuroscientist Dr. Svea von Hehn about the basics of brain-friendly work.

Fobe, D, (2022). Marketing Intern, 04/2022. Volksbank Löbau-Zittau eG

To the full article (in German)

"What is my brain doing while I work?" - we asked this exciting question at our Entrepreneur Workshop on October 26, 2022. Since 2004, we have been organizing this series of events, which is popular with our corporate customers, with topics that are relevant to everyday business life.

"Brain-Friendly Work" as a Solution for Companies"
(“Gehirnfreundlich arbeiten“ als Lösung für Betriebe”)
Article with Svea von Hehn published in the Oberösterreichische Nachrichten on the topic of "Brain-Friendly Work".

Prechtl, E. (2022). OÖNachrichten.

To the full article (in German)

"How brain-friendly is your daily work routine?" - The complexity of the working world is increasing more and more - digitalization, climate change, innovation are topics that companies as well as employees have to deal with in the world of New Work. Emotional intelligence helps here on an individual level, on a team level as well as on an organizational level."

"The goal is to be high-performing"
(“Das Ziel heißt: Hochperformant sein”)

Article with Svea von Hehn in "Der Presse" about the organization of the future and how they must respond to people's needs to be maximally efficient.

Kötterisch, M., (2022). Der Presse/Karriere, May 28, 2022.

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“For Svea von Hehn, what constitutes the "organization of the future" is obvious: "It responds to people's needs." This is all the more relevant because employees can choose the organization they want to work for more than ever before, says the author, management consultant and founder of "Re- turn on Meaning," who recently visited Vienna at the invitation of Josef Fritz and Board Search.”

"What does your brain do while you work?"
(“Was macht ihr Gehirn, während sie arbeiten?”)
Conversation between Dr. Josef Fritz, managing partner of BOARD SEARCH and Svea von Hehn.

Board Search (2022). Wirtschaftszeit, May 2022

To the full article (in German)

During the discussion, the main topics - dealing with uncertainty, decision-making and problem-solving skills, mindfulness, change of perspective and cultural change in companies and organizations - were explored in greater depth and made interactive with audience exercises.

Svea von Hehn also shared personal insights - she spoke about her experiences as a founder, her personal search for meaning, and mindfulness in her private life.

"Good Goodness” (“Gute Güte”)
Article on the benefits of mindfulness in the work context and how to distinguish it from spiritual or esoteric coaching by Dr. Svea von Hehn, among others.

Kowitz, D. (2022). brand eins, March 2022.

To the full article (in German)

"How much room does mindfulness have in your daily work routine?" - Meditation in a training context can act like a tool for corporate therapy. This is because mindfulness exercises can enhance reflective capacity and emotional intelligence. However, individual encouragement for a more mindful workday does not release companies and society from the obligation to strive for detachment and relief in other ways as well.”

“Sigh, I am so (not) happy”
("Hach, ich bin ja so glücknicht")

Is anger allowed? Svea von Hehn in the cover story of COSMOPOLITAN on how.

Maas, A. (2022). COSMOPOLITAN, April 2022

To the full article (in German)

"When was the last time you were angry? And what made you feel good?" - Not only pleasant feelings like joy and empathy, but also the unpleasant emotions are an aspect of our aliveness. Svea describes in the current cover story of COSMOPOLITAN, strategies for dealing with unpleasant emotions: 1)Looking at your emotions like a current weather situation - is it stormy or sunny? 2) Or trying to name the feeling exactly - "name it to tame it". 3) Or to give it a shape like a dragon that comes, stays and goes.

"In four steps to a culture change in the company
(“In vier Schritten zu einer Kulturveränderung im Unternehmen”)
Review by F.A.Z. Personaljournal of the second edition of "Culture Change in Organizations".

Gründel, K. (2022). F.A.Z. Personaljournal, 02/2022

To the full article

"What's in the book?" - This book has already been published in the second, now revised and expanded edition and offers HR managers and executives, as well as organizational developers and consultants, practical guidance on how they can systematically design a culture change in change processes, based on four phases. To this end, the book contains concrete tools and recommendations for action for the four phases of a culture change: aligning, planning, implementing, and stabilizing.