Videos on topics we would like to bring into the world

(in German only)

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Prof. Stephan Paul and our founder, Dr. Svea von Hehn, shed light on emotional intelligence in business in the renowned podcast "Paul am Puls - Dialoge zur Transformation der Wirtschaft in Paul am Puls".

How often do you want to get really angry in 2023?

Excerpt from the lecture by Nils Cornelissen at KOA on the topic of anger and which strategies we can use to deal with it

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Claudia Braun talks with "Management meets Mindfulness" Podcast

Claudia talks with Philipp Ketteler about the benefits of a corporate culture characterised by mindfulness

Mindsets that advance changes in organizations - Keynote with Svea von Hehn

How we escape the identity trap and its role for change in organizations

What is mindfulness at work - Keynote with Svea von Hehn

The meaning of mindfulness, what this mental training looks like and why „meditation just doesn’t work for me“ is a myth


Organisational change through mindfulness

Svea von Hehn with Peter Bostelmann and others on how mindfulness leads to changes in organizations (1st Mindfulness Conference, Quadriga Berlin)

What changes subjectively for people through mindfulness - Interview with Claudia Braun

Sebastian Purps-Pardigol talks to Claudia Braun about how mindfulness can help to really experience and feel life, as well as how people and organizations can benefit from this mental training

Culture eats strategy for breakfast

Svea von Hehn talks about how multitasking weakens our concentration and why not only IQ but also EQ is important for successful behavior

Being mindful – meditating with Claudia Braun

Finding rest in a busy world. This guided meditation by Claudia Braun makes it easy. Just try it!

5 tips for being more mindful

It does not take much to live more mindful. Claudia Braun gives 5 tips that can be easily integrated in everyday life.

Mindfulness – a silver bullet in companies?

Claudia Braun on mindfulness in companies at the H.U.G. conference 2019 in Munich

Mindfulness – interview with Claudia Braun

We train our body, but what about our mind? Claudia Braun knows how mindfulness can create more satisfaction in your company.

Caring Culture and Mindfulness

Svea von Hehn on the topic of caring culture and mindfulness at the ceremony marking 20 years of P+P in Munich

Mindfulness in Organisations

Claudia Braun on the question of why mindfulness is becoming more and more important in organizations (Meditation Experts Conference)