Emma Boots

Consulting Associate 

Over 2 years of professional experience

B.Sc. Psychology at the University of Landau i. d. Pfalz

Main topics: Positive psychology and mindfulness


Emma Boots joined RETURN ON MEANING in 2023 as a Consulting Associate. Her focus areas include online marketing management, consulting projects, and supporting and delivering trainings & workshops.

Emma is a psychologist in training and completed her Bachelor of Science at the University of Landau i. d. Pfalz with a research focus on positive psychology and mindfulness.

During her psychology studies, she was able to gain interdisciplinary professional experience in conceptualizing and conducting workshops and coaching sessions as well as in setting up and implementing social media marketing strategies.

Parallel to her studies, Emma worked for several years as a caregiver for severely disabled people by supporting therapeutic measures and completed various internships e.g. as a social media marketing intern in a Mannheim startup as well as an intern in the clinic for dependent behavior and addiction medicine in the field of psychological treatment and diagnostics at the 'Central Institute for Mental Health: Mannheim'.

Client experience (selected examples)

  • Design of corporate presentations and strategic marketing (including trade fair appearances and events)

  • Supporting the design and implementation of culture change and leadership development programs

  • Design of trainings on mindfulness, communication, leadership and stress management

  • Design, implementation and evaluation of qualitative and quantitative surveys (including benchmarking)

  • Analysis and processing of scientific findings (e.g. on mindfulness & intuition)